Monday, February 5, 2007

I can't belive !!!!

I had a look at my statistics and I can't believe it seems that about 80 percent of my visitors are still using Microsoft Internet Explorer. I can't understand why. So look at this movie below but please do not try it for yourself if you are using Internet Explorer. I have test it with Firefox and I didn't had any kind of problems , I guess that also with Safari browser should be OK.


If you want to know more about it just go to Avira Virus Descriptions and look how many viruses are targeting Internet Explore
Even more ... MS Internet Exploder has a lot of missing features like no plug in support. No tabbed browsing. No RSS reader. No XML support. No password manager to store the passwords. No quick search. Nothing !!!!!


Anonymous said...

oh my god, this is really crazy! fortunately I use firefox ;)

El Camino a Seguir said...

Oh my God, I can't believe this... not really hahaha
I use firefox so no fears, I guess.

Brett said...

Have you tried the new internet explorer? It's actually pretty comparable to Firefox, but I still prefer Firefox.

Anonymous said...

I just opened a new TAB in my Internet Explorer 7.0 by Vista Business edition and tried the address in your video. Nothing crazy happened. I'm now closing that TAB easly.

isabelle smessaert said...

I'm a Safari-user. I would neverrrrr use internet explorer.
Nice video :-)

Fabio said...

yeah i fortunately use firefox tooo


limeywesty said...

I want to watch it :( But I use internet explorer

LDF said...

I know it is not on topic, but I just stumbled across your blog while browsing through the "next blog" button, and I just had to comment on your blog's title. It is great! Being a big fan of unix, it jumped out at me and made me laugh. Nice work.

Devin said...

Yeah, I can't believe people would still be using IE. Although at least it keeps the hackers from creating viruses for Firefox, Safari and Mozilla! Nice blog by the way.