Thursday, December 14, 2006


Today I had some fun flaming. You know, Friday is the flame day. Evrybody makes fun of everybody on mail.And debate unimportant problems like "Linux Vs. Windows", "Sex Vs. Love" and so on.

It worked

Yup! It really worked. I just stop and listen for people around me. You can imagine what a new experience was to me. You should really try it some time. New and miraculous new things will be revealed. Also concentrate a little bit and try to answer to everybody with the answer they expect to get from you. Don't manifest your opinion use their own opinion, Also you can use a lot of "I am totally agree!" and "I respect your opinion". Don't use "but" use "and" instead. It may sounds funny at the begin but nobody will notice. For example if you wish to do something else that the thing proposed to you you can say "I am totally agree with your decision and it will be nice to [put your thing here] because [some stupid reason]".

Even if is completely contradictory , if you say it serious everybody will agree.

Funny isn't it ?

Stop talking.

I have decided that I talk to much. So was thinking to shut up and watch more what happening around me. This is one of the key components of NLP: Observation.


I don't know but today I am very sad. I am still for a miracle to make me happy. But because I don't thing will gonna happen I am intending to find a way to buy an angel. Does anyone know an Angel store. Maybe I can order one online. If not I will find a way to make myself one.

What I want to say is that I relay wish to find a girl to to hug her. I relay want somebody to love. Is so funny i know at leas a a hundred girls. That are desperate trying to find a god guy to love them. Even better, they are asking me for my about jerk friend's. I asked myself way I don't scream at them "Hey stupid !!!! I am here, I am what are you looking for !!! I am the guy !!!" ? And the answer is that I can't love a girl that is not able to see something that is in front of her nose.