Thursday, January 4, 2007


I have to switch to moderated comments because seems that are some guys that are paid to post comments with links to adult sites and so on. So I am sorry but you will have to wait to publish your comments. Don't worry I will check may blog at least twice per day.

Seems that in the last time the internet is only about money and page rank. Nobody what's to put god content. Look at all the blogs that has only one post and full of advertising. If we continue like that the internet will become just advertising and no content. I really hate it, some time ago when I was searching for some interesting stuff, I would find it without evicting all kind of tricky popup and banners. Now the interesting stuff is in a tiny coroner of the page and the rest is filled with lots of *****.

I checked my email this morning. I had 237 email, just 3 email have been useful. 17 of them come from discussion list and 21 ware automatically generated rapports. So in the last 5 days I get 196 spam emails. I don't know from where they get my email, I didn't register to dubious site with it. The only place where is publish is on a PGP server, but how dumb a seamer can be, he didn't understand that someone that know what is a PGP key is , it is also able to make the difference between a spam email and a useful one.

I get a lot of Viagra advertising emails, but the funniest of all are the phishing email with the

"Your paypal account has been disabled ... please submit us your password" kind of stuff.

Is not really like that but is almost like that. The idea behind it is that they send a bunch of emails that try to fool the persons that something happened with their accounts and they have to log in to fix the problem. They always put a false to the login form but if you are look closer you will notice that it really redirect you tho a false site that just look like the original and prompt you for your user name and password. So take care. No serious site will send you that kind of emails. So if you don't really know what if that is a phishing emails instead of hurry up to give your password or bank account just think a bit. And if you still think that is the smallest chance to be true call the support or send them an email and ask them about it. Don't use the email address, phone or link from that email, look it up in the phone book on a older email that you see that is genuine. Usually all the sites that request you to sign up will send you a welcome message with all the details you need including the support email address, and sometimes the phone number, use teat one. In case this is not possible open a new browser windows manually and type the correct address and login from there.

Never click on links in emails especially when they tell you that something happening and is urgent

Also if you are a nice person and don't want to make a safer world, I highly recommend you to call/send them en email to the support of the attacked site/company and explain that somebody is sending false explains what happening and send them a copy of the message. Sometime you relay find that are some very dumb guys at support that don't really understand that is bad for there company image, so you have to explain that also. I am doing that all the time and usually the fake site is down in a matter of hours after explain the situation. It really make me fell proud that I make a better world.


Anonymous said...

Yup, there sure is a lot of stuff you have to be careful about. Thanks for the info.

Best wishes,

Nick Brismut said...

Nice post..

I love the "nospam" thingies in email addresses. It's a nice and fun trick against the bots, but the sad thing is, the more creative you make it, the less people seem to get it.

brismut _REMOVE THIS_ @ _NO_SPAM_ gmail [dot] _com_

I thought that was clearly readable for humans while keeping off bots, but it seems, some people just don't get it.


lizze said...

I am not keen on eBay to begin with, but also one of the main facts why it took me so long to register is all those scam & phishing attempts.

And the users, ignorant or not, that click on these spam & phishing emails needs to stop doing cos it is them that makes this worthwhile for the spammers.

Redz said...

Useful blog ..
i even lost one email id by spams